Overview of Copyright Registration

Copyright is a privilege given by the law to the creator of artistic works. Copyrights are protected by “The Copyright Act, 1957” via numerous amendments to the act. Copyright Registration protects the rights of the owner over their creation. As the Copyright registration procedure protects the efforts of authors, artists, and designers that as a result persuade the author/writer to create more.

Copyright Registration helps the author to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of some creative work, but not the idea itself. Also, it helps in preventing unlawful use of the original work and rewards creativity.

Why is Copyright Registration Necessary?

Copyright Registration is necessary to protect the creators, creative work such as music, books, manuscripts, software’s, films, fashion designs, website etc from being copied and used for commercial purposes without the creators permission thus causing tremendous loss to the creator. Copyrights operates against unauthorized copying, the taking of another’s creation, without paying for it.

Copyright is essentially a creation of statute, the copyright act makes it clear that no person shall be entitled to Copyright or any similar rights, in any work whether published or unpublished, otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

Copyright Registration of Creative work Protects your Creativity from being Stolen or Duplicated, and gives you a Confirmed Legal Right over your creation.
Copyright Registration gives your Creative work a Legal Status, thereby making it an Intellectual Property, giving you exclusive Legal Right over your creation.

Copyright gives abundle of rights to the creators by giving-

  • Rights of reproduction,
  • Rights of communication to the public,
  • Adaptation, and
  • Translation of the work.
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