Registering a trademark (brand name, company name, logo, symbol or device) has its own advantages of gaining exclusive legal rights to your trademark and accords better protection of your mark. Therefore, it is the first step of establishing your own brand name.Registering a distinctive trademark helps to distinguish your goods and services from others in the market. Besides, it also works as a deterrent to others who would want to pass off their goods as yours.

Trademark registration in India is mostly based on the priority of user date of the mark. However, the application can also be made for the proposed mark. 

The entire process of filing till trademark registration in India may take two years to complete. After filing the trademark application, there may be an objection during the examination, so one need to respond to such office examination. Once the Trademark Office is satisfied with the responses, the TM office will publish the application in the Trademark Journal. Thereafter, anyone can oppose the registration within three/four months of the publication. If opposed, the Trademark Registrar asks each party to present his case and allows or denies registration accordingly. Furthermore, to make sure there are no delays in the trademark registration procedure, care should be taken to chose a trademark which is unique, so that chances of opposition also becomes less.

Intepat’s team of highly experienced trademark agents and attorneys understand the nuances underlying such registration and are adept at handling online trademark filing in India.

We help from filing a trademark application to its final trademark registration in India. Further, we handle the entire process of trademark registration, namely  

i)  preparing responses to examination report;

ii) preparing and submitting responses to provisional refusals in India [Madrid Trademark];

iii) filing an opposition;

iv) responding to an opposition;

v) amendment of applications; and also

vi) attending opposition hearings whenever required

We provide cost-effective and efficient services in handling trademark registration in India and internationally. Besides registration services in India, we collaborate with our international partners to help our clients register their marks internationally.

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